Remove the Iranian Nuclear Cancer NOW before it Metastasizes
A nuclear bomb in the hand of civilized nations that respect the value of human life is a very different story from one where such a fearsome weapon is in the hands of a theocratic Islamic regime that shows no respect for human life. Some may think that the Iranian regime is a rational actor, however, when we know that the Iranian Mullah Regime used to send children as young as 9 years old to die as "martyrs" in its war against Iraq we must question this assumption. Furthermore, the Iranian theocratic regimen that -until today-continues to justify the brutal killing of people if they convert from Islam to another faith or hangs or stones them to death for having sex outside marriage or having a different sexual orientation should not be entrusted with having a nuclear weapon.
Many may believe that the Iranians will need years to develop long range missiles to be able to reach the US and Europe and that our strong anti-missile system will be able to protect us from this threat. The Iranians are likely to use another but more destructive tactic to paralyze the free world. The Iranians can simply focus on smuggling nuclear bombs to the major cities in the West and inform the Western countries that Iranian nuclear bombs are already inside all their major cities. In this scenario, these bombs will be like cancer metastasis that spreads all over the world. It does not need a genius to imagine the panic and paralysis that can happen to the Western world if they faced such a situation. The Iranians in this case can demand anything from the West and Western governments would be in a very difficult situation to refuse any of these demands as it will put them at a risk of destroying their capitals. Attacking Iran in this case will not be very helpful to the West as the Iranian Islamic regime would be likely to welcome dying Iranians as "martyrs" while exploding the major Western cities and capitals.
The success of drug dealers in smuggling drugs into the US and Europe and to other parts of the world is a clear evidence that our borders are not so secure to take the risk of smuggling nukes by the Iranian regime.
Once the Iranian regimen develops a nuclear bomb, the simple act of releasing false rumors that it managed to smuggle several atomic bombs inside some of the key cities in the world such as New York City, Washington DC, or London and others can have a major psychological impact that can result in devastating economical consequences. Similarly, smuggling nuclear bombs into areas of oil production in Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries can cause chaos in the world's markets and economy. The Iranians can use this psychological warfare and threaten to explode such bombs at any time to paralyze the free world and create a situation where the Iranian Mullahs impose their will on others.
It is well known in medicine that attacking the primary cancer before it sends metastasis is much more effective than trying to treat it after having metastasis. Waiting for the Iranian nuclear cancer to 'metastasize' by smuggling nuclear bombs in our main cities is an ill-considered judgment that can ruin the future of our world. Resection of this Iranian nuclear 'cancer' NOW via 'surgical' military interventions and attacks of their nuclear facilities before it can 'metastasize' is likely to be the best way to go with the Iranian regimen especially after the proven failure of other approaches. This prophylactic military approach can prevent a nightmare that could happen in the free world if Iran developed a nuclear bomb and can protect the world from a global catastrophe if the Mullah regime decided one day to use some of these bombs against other nations.